
We offer music workshops for Ages 6+

My son is Grade 5 piano and has been learning with Brian for two years. I couldn’t recommend the school more, he loves his lessons.
— Sara Maxwell


At our interactive music workshops, students can choose to focus on learning a specific Instrument or take the opportunity to try out the range of instruments we have on offer. we teach keyboard, piano, guitar, bass, drums & music technology.

Workshops cost £53.50 per month and are payable by Direct Debit (via GoCardless) at the start of each month.

We have an unrivalled selection of amazing musical instruments and technology to help make learning music both fun and creative. Students will also have the opportunity to work on solo performances, performances within a band and to work with Brian in the studio to record their progress..


As well as focusing on specific instrument technique, this format gives the student the chance to develop a thorough understanding of the building blocks of music including reading and writing music, working within a key signature, chordal work and developing parts within a recording or band performance. We also focus on improving communication, team building skills and most of all, confidence.

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We offer a free trial*

try us out and find out more about what we offer.

*our free trial is subject to our terms and conditions.